Top 12 Negative Effects of Social Media on Interpersonal Communication Among Teenagers

This image explain the Top 12 Negative Effects of Social Media on Interpersonal Communication Among Teenagers

You're reading this post because you are in one way or the other related to a teenager or teenager. Maybe as a teacher, a parent, a guardian, or even a curious teenager. 

You're tired of the everyday nagging about the use of their smartphones. 

Do you even sometimes regret ever buying them one? 

You've tried your best but it's as though it's not good enough. Nothing seems to work. 

In this blog post, you will discover the Top 12 Negative Effects of Social Media on Interpersonal Communication Among Teenagers and the right way out.

Who are Teenagers?

Teenagers are unique and special beings, learning and trying out the ropes of teenage life, and it takes wisdom to understand and deal with them.

The Negative Effects of Social Media on Interpersonal Communication Among Teenagers are fast becoming visitors that have overstayed their welcome. 

Some look them in the face and eradicate them, while some shy away from them.

'Ade please go in' Ade's mum asked 'and turn off the gas'. Yes mummy! Ade had been by his phone before his mummy's request. He had proposed in his heart that he would go after getting Kola's replies. He had been chatting with Kola; his
friend who had been updating him on a football match he missed. About thirty minutes later, he heard his mum's shout. 

'Ade! Please don't tell me it's my rice that's burning.' 'No, it can't be.' : You'd know the stuff I'm made of today.'  I asked you to help with something politely and you chose your timing to do it.' 'It happened to be great right?' Best timekeeper.' 'Give me that phone.' 'You're grounded for two weeks!'

What is the definition of Social Media?

The English Dictionary sums up Social Media as an interactive form of media that allows users to interact with and publish to each other, generally using the Internet. 

Social Media makes sending messages, posting images and videos, and reaching people in different parts of the world amongst others possible. Popular social media platforms among people especially teenagers are WeChat, Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc.



What do you mean by interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal Communication refers to the relationship between two or more people.  

Teenagers, otherwise called Teens are individuals between the ages of 13-19. They are people full of life and energy. They are adventures in nature- they always want to try things out. 

Teenagers are curious and inquisitive-always asking questions set of people. Lots of mistakes are made during the teenager's age and phase because of their inexperience.

What is the impact of social media?

Social Media has in doubt come to make life easy for man. 

Business transactions can be finalized without moving a muscle, clients are gotten, and opportunities are harnessed,  in the world of social media. 

With Social Media, you don't have to leave the comfort of your home to check how a family member or a friend in Ghana is faring if you stay in Nigeria.

Would we then shy away from the negative effects of social media because of its juicy benefits? 

Capital N for No.

Top 12 Negative Effects of Social Media on Interpersonal Communication Among Teenagers

1. Isolation

'Go and call your brother for me.' 'He has been indoors since I can remember.' The use of social media makes teenagers used to the online space, so much that they become uncomfortable with face-to-face conversation. 

They can just coil in a corner and you won't feel their presence. Since the person or people they chat with are online, they become configured to the online world.

2. Depersonalization

The problem arises when the friend they are chatting with thinks they are the same person on the display picture when they are not. 

Some teenagers put pictures and bios that aren't close to them, on their social media accounts. A person might be friends with them based on the person they have portrayed themselves to be. 

They start living a double life, or what they call 'fake life' just to meet up with expectations. 

They would post pictures of houses they've never seen and announce that they live in, cars they would never buy, all to just keep up with the game.

3. Miscommunication

It's common for people to hear things the other person is not saying. Face-to-face conversation helps us know the tone, the pitch, and the intention of a person when they are communicating. 

Issues of miscommunication arise because a person 'go away' might be playful to such a person, but the receiver may interpret it as though the sender thinks of them as a pest and is not wanted.

4. Reduced Empathy

Sorry! Fola had just lost his mum and was sharing the bad news with his friend who had only said 'sorry'. That wasn't what he was expecting. 

Chatting on social media about trivial matters like the death of a loved one wouldn't get the same condolences as in reality. 

5. Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is the act of using social media platforms to harass, threaten, and make life difficult for people. 

It is very common among teenagers. 

It could lead to low self-esteem, they began to think low or less of themselves. It can cause them to be withdrawn from others. Grades start dropping drastically. Some of them would sometimes think of committing suicide. 




6. Undue Pressure

'How old is this one that is wearing designer shoes?' 'Are we not age mates?'. Questions like these are what teenagers think about when they see their mates doing well on social media. 

Some teenagers do not know how they got the money, they don't know if they work after school, and they don't know if their parents gave it to them. 

They feel so pressurized that they sometimes pester their parents to buy them luxuries that they cannot even afford.

7. Less Productivity

Sometimes when some teenagers intend to do their assignments for one hour. The one-hour extends to three hours, their fingers had 'mistakenly' clicked on the Instagram page, and they go Instagram. 

Quality time that cannot be recovered is spent on the street of Instagram.

8. Health Problems

Trying to check the number of followers they have, checking if the person they so much admire has seen their posts, the worries of the number of likes their posts have gotten could make them get depressed, especially if their expectations weren't met.

Lack of sleep from chatting through the night may lead to a bad headache and also bad eyesight

9. Time management problems

'Bola why did you come late to class, do you know we were given a test that carries 20 marks.' 'Ahh, are you serious?'. 

Bola had been going through a fashion page she loves so much that she lost track of time. She had gotten dressed for school only to be distracted by the beep on her phone. 

Social Media if not managed would make a single second fly to a couple of minutes and definitely to many hours.

10. The unnecessary abbreviation of words

Words like 'the' have become 'd', 'to' has become '2', and the list continues. 

They get so used to it that they unconsciously write these in schools.  It can get pretty annoying that you won't understand what they are trying to say. 

11. Pride

'Who are you to talk to them that way?' 'do you know how many followers I have?'. 

They forget so fast that there is a difference between social media life and real life. 

They go up and down boasting about the number of followers they have even to the face of their long-time non-social media friend.

12. Decline in Interpersonal Communication

'You can't be serious to have gotten me peanuts.' 'Do you really want to get me killed? 

After several trials to make them see physically. Sola no longer remembers her friend is allergic to peanuts. 

She had gotten so used to her social media pages that Fola coming around was already a burden. Fola had persisted in them trying to catch up with old times.

After Sola had gone out to dispose of the peanuts, Fola began to ponder bitterly; 'is it a crime that I wanted to see my childhood friend?', 'Does she even want me around at all?' 'She had so quickly forgotten my allergy'. 'I had seen her smiles, they didn't get to her eyes'. What could have really gone wrong?

Frequently Asked Questions on Top 12 Negative Effects of Social Media on Interpersonal Communication Among Teenagers

How can I reduce my teenagers' screen time?

You can talk to them about the negative effects of social media and how it can affect their relationships. Reducing their screen time can also be done by drafting a social media calendar or schedule. Allocate number of hours they spend on social media, and be able to monitor their daily use.

Does Social Media really affect one's health?

Social Media have been seen to affect both physical and mental health. Conditions like depression, low self-esteem, anxiety have been related to social media.

How can one solve cyberbullying?

Teenagers could solve cyber bullying by blocking the intruder and ignoring all demeaning messages. They go also take a break off the internet.

Final Thoughts on Top 12 Negative Effects of Social Media on Interpersonal Communication Among Teenagers

The impact of social media cannot overemphasized. 

Social media should be regulated and used maximally to reduce and totally eradicate these Top 12 Negative Effects of Social Media on Interpersonal Communication Among Teenagers.

In other not to allow social media to influence interpersonal communication among teenagers and become a benefactor who slaps us and we smile happily without doing anything, its usage must be taken with utmost caution, especially among teenagers. 

Social media, despite its advantages, is not enough to make years of friendship go down the drain. Save your friendship and be wise with social media!

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